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Using camera as secondary source on mobile app
Hi Folks
I have an instructor who wants to use their camera on their iPhone as a secondary source. Is there a way to do this in the new app, or another workaround? If not can we feature request this?
It appears in the legacy app there was a way to join a session in progress, or maybe a live stream, not sure which? Does that functionality not exist in the new app?
Thank You
Kevin Hartman, University at Buffalo
I asked this question last week and here is the answer from support
The ability to webcast or join a recording from mobile is a known limitation of the new Panopto iOS application. We plan to add these features to the new mobile apps in the future, however at this time there isn't an ETA for when that work will be completed. Until then our developers recommend users who need these features continue using the Legacy app, which is still available on the app store.
The ability to 'Join a session' is hardly a "limitation" of the new iOS app - it was taken out of the new iOS app. It was always a limitation of the Android app and probably the best feature in either app as it allowed many practical learning applications and was highly flexible to certain environments and scenarios. No other app (that I know of) has ever had a feature like it - to be able to wirelessly join another recording - truly amazing.
I literally couldn't be more disappointed with this decision. It was one of our biggest selling points to staff wanting to use devices to extend their instructional video making capabilities.