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Automatically detect ASR caption language
I don't know how you guys could pull this off but if you can make the automatic captions detect language and create the captions in the detected languages that would be a major win. We currently like a lot companies have locations and users outside of the U.S. who's recordings are in different languages and because our Panopto account is based in the U.S. captioning their videos isn't an option and that's too bad.
I think even having a workflow where a content owner can request captions in the correct language would be a workable solution.
I like the new beta functionality, however, it only works at the folder rather than at the individual video level.
I read that it is difficult to detect language automatically, however, I don't think it is necessary. A meta feature that would be interesting for us is the ability to split a stream into multiple parts, allowing for features like rearranged your various cuts in the timeline. Being able to then request multiple captions languages on each stream cut would be very effective for a foreign language course, where the instructor may be speaking in multiple languages during the video.
Agreed! Our organization is worldwide with a variety of languages that are recorded in those languages other than English. While I like the feature of being able to upload captions in mutliple languages, it is a longer process to have a video recorded in another language, edit the captions to English, then translate them into another language. Would be cool if there was a way to allow each creator to select their language when recording to use ASR for that language...
I'd like to follow up on this feature request. Perhaps it is too much to 'automatically detect the spoken language for ASR, but could there be a way that the user could choose the language they are speaking in and have that recognized through ASR? I know that Panopto has the capability, but it is limited to the site's preferred language. When all users within the site speak the same language this is great because the site can be defaulted to that language and ASR can be done in that language (from what I understand). As an organization that is multilingual, I would like the ability for the users to select their spoken language to have ASR for the captions. For example, Currently, some users record in Spanish then have to record in two other languages (being multilingual people) because their first language (Spanish) is not recognized by ASR to be captions, since our site is defaulted to English. So this is taking a lot of time from our users to record since some of their presentations are quite lengthy. If these users could select their ASR language upon recording, then it could be recognized, auto-captioned, and then translated much easier, eliminating the need to create multiple videos. Thank you for your consideration and suggestions of how to streamline this process!
@Tiffany Liddell This actually already possible!
Oh this is great!! I will try it out! Thank you so much!!