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Seneca Scribe
in Equipment
At our school, we use several Seneca Scribes for video capture. What I like is that the devices can be customized to suit whatever A/V equipment you have in the room. In our case, we use SDI video input from a video mixer and XLR audio input from a soundboard. (our rooms are configured much like television studios). The Seneca Scribes have been great for us. They are rack-mountable and very reliable. We have used them for many years without any problems. We remote into them to update the remote recorder software when necessary. We leave them on for weeks at a time, and we have never had any problems. We have used them to record thousands of classes.
I meant to post a link to what we use:
Hi Robert! I'm curious what video card you're using at your school with your Senecas. We were given a Magewell Pro config that could either be HDMI (which is what we're using) or SDI, but there is only a 3.5mm unbalanced line in audio, not an XLR input. Do you have an alternate configuration, or are you using the XLR to 3.5mm adapter for audio?
It may be best if you contact Seneca and explain what you need, as I am not 100 percent sure what configurations are available now. It looks like the configuration we went with years ago has an audio capture card listed as: Datapath AM2 audio module for Analog Audio Capture. The Scribe shipped with a dongle that attaches to the audio capture card port in the back and it has a lot of different inputs on the dongle. XLR was one of the audio input options on the dongle.
I believe if you write to someone at Seneca, they can customize the Scribes to some degree to suit your needs. Hope this helps.
Our Seneca rep did offer up a Datapath configuration a few years ago to us when we were exploring/expanding our use of Panopto and capture devices, but the video card was a dual DVI input and we needed a quad input, so we went with the Magewell quad. We're also hoping that we can upgrade more rooms to use digital audio and/or embed audio on HDMI going into the Seneca so the need for XLR would be less so going forward. That said, having XLR input(s) is nice and I wish Magewell had a configuration that allowed for that!
We at Auburn University have been using the Seneca Scribe and Magewell dual HDMI cards successfully. We record 3800+ class sessions per semester.
I can't post links yet, but B&H sells these for < $600