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Restricting playback of audio files
in General Q&A
Hi all,
Is it at all possible to restrict the playback of audio/video, eg:
- An audio file can only be played twice
- And, cannot be paused
It's in relation to online summative language tests, the tests themselves are hosted in Blackboard but i'm curious if such settings can be applied to media files uploaded in Panopto (I tried and could see no way to do it, but it's good to ask).
Many thanks in advance
Kind regards,
Ron Anywar
Best Answer
Charles Barbour Superstar
Nope. Of course even if they could, if I were interested in cheating the system, I would probably just use my phone to record the audio and then play it back. Unless there's proctoring in place, there is no actual way to protect content.
Thank you Charles, very much appreciated.