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Is it possible to give a user upload permissions via the SOAP API
in API
I think I can see how to get and set system roles through the SOAP API, but is it possible to give a creator session upload permissions and a My Folder via an API?
Hi Robin,
We do have a function in our SessionManagement SOAP API that will retrieve and optionally create a personal folder ("My Folder") for a user. You can call SessionManagement.GetPersonalFolderForUser, and set the "allowCreation" flag to true. This will retrieve a user's personal folder and, if it doesn't exist, will create the folder if the calling user has permission.
Here is the link to the documentation for that function:
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks @Kevin. What about upload permissions?
@Kevin Baum - We're looking again using the api to promote viewers to creators, that the call above will do, but it's still not clear how to get them upload privs?
Hi Robin,
We do allow you to set a system-wide administrator or videographer role using the SOAP API, but we do not have an endpoint to designate a user as upload licensed or as a caption requester.
Out of curiosity, are the users you give a personal folder to through the API not able to upload content?