"Chat Only" option for webcasts
It would be great if there was a way to unify remote student questions with questions from students present in the classroom.
If there was a way to display only chat questions in a view it would give us the flexibility to have students present both remotely (via the webcast) and in the room post questions through the same interface.
We have some faculty that are worried about discussion and the disparity between students being in the room and those remote when a webcast is used. If there was a native app, you could also time out the delay (student submits a question via the full webcast interface, no delay, but if they submit through this other thing, there is a delay that matches the delay from the Panopto Recorder to what is live on the webcast).
We can do something like this in Zoom, but if one student unmutes their mic in the room, the wheels fall off.
In practice this could be something like the student is given the option of joining the class remotely (full webcast interface) or from the room (chat/notes only) when they open the webcast.
Even outside of COVID needs, this would come in handy for courses using HyFlex/mixed-modality course design.
Thank you,