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access Panopto cloud from China
in General Q&A
I wonder if anyone have any experience with accessing video hosted in Panopto cloud (Europe) from mainland China. Our users in China cannot watch lecture recording and Panopto player does not load in their browser. I have been told by our Panopto Customer Success Team Manager that this due to internet blocking that takes place in China. If you have students in China, how do you provide then with access to lecture recording that are hosted in Panopto cloud?
Hi @Jie Shen - Due to the network restrictions in mainland China, Panopto, and all other videos streaming services, will have an inconsistent playback experience. If they want a more consistent experience, you should advise your users to tether to their mobile device and use their cellular network. Thanks. -Dave
Do you mean playback experience would be consistent if the Panopto video is streamed through mobile phone connection?
Yes, it should be more consistent if the connection is fast enough.
We had a few questions come up when we moved from on-prem to cloud. We have a few courses that happen in China and a number of students who access materials regularly from within China. I cannot speak to if they actually are able to watch through a video in a meaningful way, but I have not had any reports saying otherwise.
Looking back through logs, we had a good number of students accessing materials in some training courses through our LMS from within a few locations in China. The logs indicate that these were successful views, but I am not positive.
That is a great tip @Dave Hannan, I didn't think that would come into play but I will keep that in mind should that come up for us.
@Michael Espey, this is encouraging. Where are the logs that you were able to check views of Panopto video were completed from locations in China. I would like to check this as well. Thanks
@Jie Shen You can set up Google Analytics to see where viewers are coming from.
@Jie Shen generally we just use Google Analytics for this sort of thing (, it seems to be what we need for most cases.
Thanks for the advice, I may need approval for this configuration.