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Panopto app should not record itself

Unless you use multiple monitors, the very beginning of every recording done in the Panopto app is of the app itself showing an infinite recursion of its own windows. It would be better to follow the lead of apps like Zoom and not record the application window or otherwise automatically hide/minimize the window when recording initiates. This may need to be implemented as another checkbox option to allow for the possibility of recording the app itself but that vast majority of videos made are not recordings of the app.
If you're using Panopto for Windows, what I've found works is checking the setting for "Minimize When Recording" under basic settings. This minimizes the Panopto for Windows software once you hit the record button. The software might be up there for a split second still, but it's easy to edit.
Thank You
Kevin Hartman
University at Buffalo
I'm using Panopto on Mac, unfortunately, but yes adding that setting to the Mac app would be useful. I still think a plain "app does not record itself" setting is even more useful since there's no "split second" where the app is visible.
We recommend that our faculty leave a head and a tail on their recordings, then trim after it has been uploaded. This helps make sure that the content is reviewed before being published and it helps to have a clean start where they are ready instead of just jumping in whenever the recorder starts.
I think that this would be very useful if there was a confidence monitor function where the webcam video is shown on screen but not captured.
@Eric Phetteplace if there is a split second it's visible, and that's a big if, it's so quick you don't notice. I did a recording this morning and didn't see the software, so maybe it's not even a split second. And even with that I do what @Michael Espey suggests and wait a few seconds before talking.
This isn't about me though, it's about our faculty, who have varying levels of computer literacy. I know how to minimize or hide an application window quickly. Some of them do not. They can record in Zoom easily because of the way that the Zoom app disappears during screensharing. They're very confused when Panopto does not do the same. I realize there are many workarounds that limit the impact of this, but none of them are as intuitive or effective as not recording the app itself.
Eric I totally agree with you. While much of us more advanced users can become quite familiar with minimizing, or perhaps trimming the clip after it's been recorded - this type of functionality would be quite useful! I've seen many of videos where Panopto is open and "recording itself".
I just want a countdown timer. I don't think that's too much to ask.
I have resorted to telling people to minimize the app and start the recording using the keyboard shortcuts.
A countdown timer would be great! Very much agree.
Yes, please add a countdown timer by default. Basic function that most other screen recorders have.
Please add the "Minimize when recording" setting for the Mac desktop recorder!
I like the checkbox option for those of us who might need to record a videos of Panopto for training purposes. Zoom has this checkbox (Hide/Show Zoom Windows When Sharing)