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How do you get a list of the newest videos and the top viewed videos; API documentation not helpful
The documentation that has been made available is not clear. I need to know if there is away using the api to show newest and possibly top 5-10 viewed videos?
If you are hosted then it is going to be a good bit of work. Unless I am mistaken, you will need to pull all assets, then pull the number of views for each ( Once you have that, you can sort and you've got it.
If you are on-prem, I would just pull it from the DB.
If you are hosted, I would probably go a bit further, pulling a bit more information about folders and such and put together a BI dashboard.
What do you use to pull all the assets?
This may help:
I am not sure how your site is setup with folders and such so I am not sure how would be best.