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Dynamic Playlists
I figured I would break out to its own feature requests. Can we simply the Playlist creation and updating and just give us an option on the folder level to convert the folders in to playlists? I create a folder called "Go Live" I get a switch to make playlist then any new videos I move to this folder automatically updates in the playlist. Two to three clicks, the current process takes 20+ clicks and it's unfair to ask users who are not in the video space to spend so much time working on getting videos displayed in Panopto. I think this is a low hanging fruit and I hope if not this idea, some form of idea to simplify the playlist creation and update process gets traction.
Having dynamic playlists would be great, specifically toward managing Department home pages and internal Podcast type things.
Being able to say that you want a playlist to contain the top viewed X number of entries (default to all) from Y folders would be awesome.
Yes please!
The ability to have a playlist created with the contents of a specified folder (and update in real time) was one of the great features that we had when we used Ensemble. It made access to showing student uploaded videos super simple for faculty in they LMS courses. This is a much needed feature in Panopto.
Also creating Playlists based on tags could be helpful.
It would be extremely useful in our environment to be able to automatically create a 'playlist' from the contents of a Canvas course assignment folder without having to manually create the playlist, then add the videos individually. This would then allow an instructor to easily embed the contents of that playlist not their Canvas course through the Panopto LTI picker (assuming that they have enabled the permissions setting on the assignment folder to allow viewers to see each others submissions).