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Crestron Integration
in API
I'm currently trying to figure out how to log in a user using the API and select a folder for the recording.
Is this currently only possible with the SOAP API?
Which commands would need to be used?
Is the wsdl file available on the website somewhere?
Hi Kevin,
Thank you for posting your question.
It is not clear to me whether you are talking about Panopto module which Crestron published for the customers or you are talking about your own proprietary integration built from the scratch.
If it is former, I recommend you to discuss with Crestron support or Crestron solution provider you are working with.
If it is latter, I may list up some information that may be relevant to your project.
1. Remote Recorder schedule can be managed by both SOAP API (see this) and REST API (see this). Those are not fully equivalent. Please review and determine whether one of them satisfies your needs.
2. WSDL file for SOAP can be retrieved by accessing the server. Our friend, Graham, authored a great tutorial about it here.
I am sorry that the link to REST API was missed. See this.
Hi Hiroshi,
It is a bit of both worlds as we would be building on top of the module crestron published.
I've looked at the API's before and noticed that the REST API is not really having all the functionality needed yet, so we are mainly looking at SOAP at the moment.
We currently don't have access to the customers server yet, so that's why i wanted to check if we can find it on the website here.
Understood. For your investigation purpose, WSDL is accessible at our demo site ( without authentication.