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Assignment Folders
in General Q&A
Can I have multiply assignments folders open at the same time in my course on Sulis?
Yes, you can. This is what we do:
Good luck.
Hi Carlos,
Thanks for the response. Unfortunately it appears that you can only have one assignment folder open at any one time in Sulis. Until the first assignment folder is closed it is not possible for a student to add a video to the second assignment folder.
Kind regards,
The process I described above works for us (D2L-Panopto integration). Students can have multiple assignment folders open, in multiple classes even. Students will have to choose where to upload their video. Panopto only allows one assignment open per folder, that is correct. So, you just need to manually create STANDARD folders inside the class folder! Notice STANDARD folders, not assignment folders! After that, you go inside each STANDARD folder and create the assignment folder.
Fall 2020 - INTRO TO HISTORY (main class folder)
+ Module01 (standard subfolder) create using [Add folder] in Panopto class page
+HW01 (Assignment folder)
+ Module02 (standard subfolder)
+HW02 (Assignment folder)
Hopes this clarifies the process
Thanks Carlos,
Yes, I have tested that option and it is working correctly for us now.
Thanks for your assistance.
Kind regards,