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Service update 2020-09-23

Service update 2020-09-23

  • Added Hive Insights links to the Video settings modal under the 'Streams' tab. There will be a separate link shown for each stream for any Hive optimized webcast.
  • Added a progress indicator bar in Panopto Capture to indicate when a recording is ready for editing as well as viewing.
  • Removed an unnecessary message in Zoom integration log around 'exclusions for any Zoom meeting that is not a Zoom LTI Pro meeting', to reduce noise in the logs.
  • Added sub folder copy to Canvas Course Copy (Beta). When copying a course using Canvas Course Copy (Beta), we will now also copy the existing folder hierarchy as long as the user initiating the copy has permission on all of the subfolders.
  • Added a feature to show the source folder for a course when manually copying a course using Canvas Course Copy (Beta)
  • Fixed an issue where the screen would not update when manually copying a course using Canvas Course Copy (Beta). 
  • Added a pop-up warning if a user tries to close or navigate away from the browser tab with a Panopto video containing a quiz and Panopto is in the process of reporting the results to the LMS.
  • Fixed an issue with Canvas Course Copy (Beta) where Zoom and Scheduled Recording filters had incorrect default values.
  • Fixed an issue with Canvas Course Copy (Beta) where some of the Course Copy settings remained visible after a course had been successfully copied.
  • Fixed an issue with Canvas Course Copy (Beta) where occasionally multiple copies of each video were created in the target folder when Canvas Course Copy (Beta) was set to run automatically when a course is provisioned.
  • Fixed an issue where old recordings created before Panopto 4.8 could end up with no video upon reprocessing. 
  • Fixed an issue where edited single stream sessions, when viewed in the embed, could show slight visual corruption on the right side of the video.
  • Fixed an issue where recordings uploaded via the session upload API that were marked with an old recording date could be immediately optimized for archival viewing. 
  • Fixed an issue where auto-complete in the share experience in Panopto Capture didn't work properly when pasting names or email addresses.
  • Fixed a recently introduced issue in Panopto Capture, where the edit button didn't get enabled correctly in the post-recording screen.

Version: 9.7.0

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