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Enable/disable Discussion by folder/user rather than single site-wide option

Especially now with all things being virtual, and given our recent addition of Zoom and it's Panopto integration, having a single, site-wide disabling of Discussion is not useful to us. It would be much more useful if our academics could choose either as a user or per folder to enable to disable Discussion so that we could also use it to record things like Zoom chat when that happens.

1 votes

Completed · Last Updated


  • Amen!

  • Dave HannanDave Hannan Administrator

    Hi @Richard Browne and @Charles Barbour - We actually have this option! See below.

  • Sorry. I had forgotten about that. What I really want is the ability to set the default option for future content/folders.

    By default, we would like this option to be off for all future content (except for imported Zoom sessions because that needs to be enabled for Zoom chats to show).

    If an instructor records or uploads content, it should be off unless they enable it.

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