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Crop Video in Editor

It would be great to be able to "Crop" the video - pick a particular section of the video and Zoom in on it inside a cropping rectangle - not displaying what is outside of the cropping rectangle. Currently Panopto editor doesn't appear to have that rectangle crop functionality. For instance, if one is recording a powerpoint screen that is in presenter mode, it would be great to simply be able to put a crop rectangle around the portion of the video screen with the powerpoint slides and hide the rest of the information outside of the slides (e.g. not showing powerpoint notes, etc). Most video editors allow this cropping function. Thank you.

19 votes

Tracking · Last Updated


  • I would love to see the ability to punch in on part of the frame. It would be a great addition to the editor.

    I think to make it more versatile, it should be similar to cuts or focus areas where you can select an area of one of the tracks to apply the effect to.

  • I received an inquiry about this today. Users who are working on a laptop (one screen) would like to be able to view their powerpoint notes while simultaneously presenting their slides.

  • Huge use case in this environment. Much easier to crop a 16:9 presentation shared by a user with unnecessary overlays, tabs, etc than to get the user to follow best practices for clean screen-sharing.

  • Surprised this isn't built in yet. Wondering the status on it. If a user can punch in 1—25% and then shift the shot in any direction, it'd be a big help to crop out distractions in the backgrounds/sides of frame, etc.

  • Vegard VestmoVegard Vestmo Crackerjack

    Short rant incoming: Currently the editor in Panopto is it's greatest weakness. So many missing features which should have been in place by now. A "save as" functionality, interactivity features, sound editing… the list goes on. I think Panopto have been way too slow at addressing their editor so I hope we get to see some upgraded features soon.

  • I've heard that "Save as" is coming (returning) soon-ish (within the next 3-6 months).

    I think the recording clients are their greatest weakness (of course there's no shortage of areas from which to choose). So many basic client features are missing which are table-stakes in any screen capture product these days. Zoom is actually their best recording client.

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