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Showing Creator Names more Easily in Assignment Folders (and/or other folders)


When instructors have activated Assignment Folders, some instructors have over 150 videos that they have to review. Is it possible to have an additional column, perhaps in the "Detailed List View" that will indicate the uploader/videographer's name? Of course, we would only want people with the correct permissions to see this information (I believe only creators can currently view it?), but it would be very helpful for instructors. We've had a few requests for this type of information, and are hoping to keep faculty engaged with this feature.

I'm sure there may be other ways to implement this as well, such as a "Download Report" or "Download Video Summary" button under the assignment folder, which could give you an exported report which lists the name of the video, the videographer, the date uploaded, and perhaps other details.

In our case, the Blackboard Assignment plugin (which I believe may provide you with this info) is not currently viable for our institution.

Thanks! Darren

11 votes

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  • Paul DouglasPaul Douglas Crackerjack

    I think this would be very useful!

    At present, the only way we have of easily viewing who has submitted a video assignment is by linking it to an LMS assignment that tracks the student submissions by name. But that relies on the students having to submit that way which includes more steps and complexity.

  • Agreed- and we have the Assignment/LMS configuration disabled for a number of other reasons. It's cumbersome and an 'extra step' to ask students to add their names to the file names as well.

  • This can be helpful even if you use the LMS integration if an instructor needs to find a particular student's submission from their list in the folder (e.g. keeping it as a showcase example). Sure, they can open the video from the integration, but some may want to just look at their list in one place.

    This is also helpful for shared-ownership folders where multiple instructors are contributing to the same folder for a course.

  • We use Panopto with Moodle and teachers have to check assignments to track creators. It would be great if folders displayed basic information such as creator, upload date and time, how many views, etc., the same as YouTube and other services have been doing for years now. Thanks.

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