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Bulk Remove options in "Contents"

The Smart Chapters feature has been working well, and I think I have some good "best practices" that we can work with. Along that line, sometimes it gets a bit too grabby with what is considered a title so having a way to remove a list of titles in one go would be good. With how it is currently designed, I think there is a need for bulk actions in the ToC, namely, deleting some.

When using the feature with software demos it likes to grab too much so being able to have a section slide deck (which it tends to do well ) then a section of video with a demo (where we could just replace the stuff it grabs with a single "demo" or something) would be great.

To give an example of scale, for an hour long video with ~40 min. of demo, it put in ~30 "extra" titles. That is a minimum of 60 clicks to remove them and it takes a good bit of time to do.

Maybe this could be something that is re-implemented as another "source" track. If there was a way to visually see table of contents entries in the timeline it would be easy to ID them in-context and remove them.

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