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Videos on my Powerpoint Won't Play in Panopto Capture

Hi, I'm a teaching assistant searching for some help for my professor. She uses PowerPoint for her lectures and records herself presenting. In PowerPoint, she will add videos that work perfectly fine in PowerPoint's presenter mode. However, when she records the lecture using Panopto capture while using the same PowerPoint, the videos embeded within the PowerPoint presentation don't play, and therefore the students are unable to view the videos. I have looked all over for some support documentation on this issue, but haven't found anything yet. Do you have any suggestions?


  • Michael EspeyMichael Espey Superstar
    edited 2020 26

    For Panopto Capture, or the Panopto Recorder (desktop app)? If the latter, you need to check the box to capture your screen as well as the PowerPoint.

    If you are working with Panopto Capture (the browser tool), it could be that the computer is running our of resources or that there is something happening with DRM. I guess the DRM case could come up with both options.

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