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Missing Full Screen Button when using Embed API
in API
Hi all,
we are using the Embed API to display Panopto videos in our learning system.
We were made aware of the fact that the full screen function no longer works. We did not change anything on the system.
Is there a problem with the embed API? Some workaround? Or do we have to set additional options?
Hopefully, somebody can help.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Alexander,
Thank you for posting this.
I need more information to answer your question.
Could you tell me more concrete information about 'Embed API" you are using? Which end point and what methods are you using?
please refer to the two screen shots that were forwarded by the customer and advise what further information is required.
We are using the provided Embed API ( and we strictly follow the documentation.
We did not change anything but the Fullscreen-Button in the embedded player is no longer available.
The image above is of the basic configuration of the api in our system.
Player works well besides the fullscreen.
Please tell me, if you need more information.
Hi Alexander,
Thank you for the clarification and I am sorry for being late to reply back to you.
Full screen button should appear now in an embedded player which is created by embedded API. We found a product defect there and fixed it by the production update last night (version 9.10.0).
Hi Hiroshi,
thanks for your help, but the problem still exists.
Do we have to take action and change some settings/options now to activate the button?
Best regards
Thank you for the reply. At this time, I think we need to discuss more closely with your concrete usage. Please open a ticket to Panopto support team via your organization's Panopto administrators who should have a contact to open a ticket. Thank you for your patience, again.