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Recording a live class session. Can I set a timer to end the recording after a no of hours?
in Equipment
We have recently installed Panopto on the PC's in our teaching rooms. Is there an option to set the maximum time for a recording in Panopto? For example, we have some lecturers who teach on Friday evening and forget to end their recording at the end of the session. Is there a way that we can set the recording to end after a max of 6 hrs to cover this eventuality.
This could be an useful feature for those professors. and also as a backup if something goes wrong.
I could see this potentially being a default state, but have it be an option that the user could configure when setting up their recording. We have had some events that run 8+ hours and having it end at 6 (or whatever) would have been a problem.
I see this being more of an issue for Zoom meetings that with Panopto Recordings. We have had a number of 24 hour recordings come over from Zoom into Panopto because they leave their meeting going and just close their laptop. While it happens with Panopto recordings, it is one or two a year (for us), with Zoom it was a few a month early on.
Part of this could be a UI element that hovers on screen (but isn't captured in the recording) that has the current time and time remaining, as well as an "extend" button. Maybe even some other tools (blackout bar, blur, drawing tools, webcam preview) could be par of that little element.
I also would like to see a state where the remote recorder app has a UI option so you could program in X class starts at Y time then if the instructor logs in early, they can just start their recording when they need, it is already named, goes to the right folder, and it ends on time. I wouldn't want all clients to be "remote recorder" ready, but having this other UI available would be good in situations where a headless appliance isn't in the cards.
To answer your question, there isn't a way that I know of, but maybe there is a hidden setting on the site that sets max recording length. Unless there is a ton of communication around it, I wouldn't go that route here.
@Michael Espey The remote recorder on windows will let you start the next recording early, but the option only appears when the next recording is is coming up shortly (I think within 15 minutes.)
@Niall Collins There isn't currently a way to set a max recording time when using Panopto for Windows/Mac, but this would make a great feature request. Please add it here, and others will be able to vote on it.