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Custom Terms Dictionary for Captions
After using the machine transcriptions for a few months now, it is clear that it has a difficult time with our acronyms and vernacular. Would it be possible to "teach" it? This would allow for us to come up with our own custom dictionary that could help in creating more accurate transcriptions.
Users use industry, business and company-specific terminology.
They often ask for their own dictionary registration feature.
Many users will be happy when the dictionary registration feature is implemented.
Totally. This would be super helpful for a few folks. I can see a challenge being that there are so many different subject-specific faculties, that there may need to be different ones. Or at least (in our case) - can we have Blackboard added as a dictionary item? I can't count how many times I've seen ASR replace Blackboard with "Blackbaud"! 😂
Excellent recommendation. At our institution we use medical and health sciences terminology. Most of the time, smart captions or integrated captions services to do capture these terms correctly.