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Is there a way to revert a cut once the edit has been published?
Hey there, I was testing out some of the YouTube integration with a recording and published the content to see how it would look on a user's end.
The problem is that while doing that, I also had a second stream at the time that I placed after the fact in the recording that covered up part of the original audio for the first minute as part of a separate test. But after removing that second stream, my video still cuts out that first minute from the clip and I can't revert it since it's already been published.
Ideally, I'd like to reset the recording to be in the state it was when originally published, but I can't seem to find an option to do so. Any advice?
For more context:
I can see that there is a cut under the Cuts tab when editing, but I don't see any option to edit or delete said cut, though I'm not sure that's an option anyway.
I can skim through the clip and still see the original video, but whenever I press play in that cut section it automatically cuts to where the end of the cut is.
There's no visual representation of the cut in the editor anymore. Even after removing that, it still acts like it is cut and shows the cut in the Cuts section.
I've tried downloading the video and it begins after the cut, so no luck there, either.
Good morning,
If you can see the cuts in the editor, you should be able to delete them:
If you removed the stream entirely (from under the session settings), there isn't a way to undo that.
If you aren't able to see the cuts or if the delete button isn't there, I would recommend reaching out to the support staff that support Panopto as there may be more going on.