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Ability to use Panopto Video link to link to videos within Subfolders
In Blackboard, when using the Panopto video link tool, you can only see the videos in the main folder for the course. It would be nice to be able to use this tool to create links to videos that are within subfolders of the course folder. Faculty like to organize their videos and being able to also link to them from that organizational structure would be great.
Also, faculty using a lot of short videos want to organize them into modules/lessons and pick from that lesson when creating their course.
(This is how it works with our Canvas install, not sure about BB)
If you search within that page it will include subfolders by default, I think there either needs to be a "include content in subfolders" button that is available or there needs to be an improvement in the interface used for navigating. When there are a few folders available at the root, it works great, but when you have folders nested in folders, nested in falls off the rails when you need to find something.
The "Everything" option in the folder dropdown does work like the everything area in the UI, so it can be used to search across all content that the user has access to. Not a great option, but it does potentially get to a solution.