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is there any way to view offline recordings whithout uploading them?

I do not have any internet connection the majority of the time, and as such, the majority of my recordings are first made offline. I make the recordings for school, so I have to turn them in, at which point I go somewhere with internet connection so I can upload, view and submit them. So I was wondering if there was a way to view and edit the offline recordings ahead of time? if I could at the very least view the recordings before uploading them to the server, that would be of great help as I am pretty sure that there is no offline editor as of now. I have seen the option to record as .mp4, and intend of doing so in the future, but is there a way to maybe download the offline recordings as .mp4's without uploading them to a server first?


  • KathrynKathryn Administrator


    To view your video files before uploading on Windows, in the recorder, go to Settings -> Advanced Settings and choose to turn on "Capture in MP4 format" - then your video streams will be saved to your computer in the recording directory as MP4s in addition to the other video files that Panopto typically saves. We don't have an offline editor, but you can take these MP4s into an external editor of your choosing and then upload your finished file.

    You can also access MP4 files of your streams without uploading the video on a Mac using these instructions.

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