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Saving Panopto Lectures
I'd like to download video of the Panopto lectures so I can watch them while I travel etc. It looks like the main download function I see referenced in my google searches has been disabled by UW. Are there any other solutions other than using a screen recorder? Thank you :)
If the downloading function has been disabled entirely by your school, then you will not be able to re-enable downloading as a video viewer.
However, while I'm not sure about UW specifically, some organizations allow instructors to enable downloading for videos in the Panopto folder's settings. You may try contacting your instructors to see if they can make this change for you. The instructions to change download settings for a folder are here.
One other thing to note is if the RSS feed is enabled for a folder (many schools do have this disabled though), then you will would be able to subscribe to a folder using an RSS reader. In the RSS reader, you will be able to download a copy of the videos.