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What's the deal with Panopto?

jeli kuberjeli kuber Tyro
edited November 2020 in General Q&A

I'm looking for a new solution for training employees. I already have a library of videos I've produced and a ton of other documentation. I have been really interested in how Panopto looks, but there doesn't seem to be a way to actually purchase or sign-up for this software? It's my understanding that they offer a Pro version for companies under 100 people, which would be perfect for us. Their website only has a link for a free trial, and filling out this form netted me a phone call that went nowhere (the representative told me we were too small for enterprise). I asked if there was an alternative and he said yes, you could get a free account, or sign up for pro... but he didn't tell me how. Is there a magic, hidden URL I'm missing here? Do I have to beg them for an account or what? VidMate


  • KathrynKathryn Administrator

    Hi Jeli,

    I'm sorry you didn't get the sign-up information for Basic or Pro. The Basic version is free to try, and the Pro version has a monthly fee.

    You can read more about the differences in the plans and sign up here:


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