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Enhancement to "My Folders" under Browse

Darren RichardsDarren Richards Whiz Kid
edited September 2020 in Feature Requests


I have a proposed enhancement to the "My Folders" functionality under Browse--- not to be confused with a user's "My Folder".

To my understanding, you can add a folder to the "My Folders" list by creating a folder, and checking off the box appropriately. I think that the terminology for "My Folders" should be updated to "Pinned Folders" and the behaviour to manage this updated as well.

We've received requests from faculty about better folder management. When an instructor teaches multiple courses over multiple years - their LMS course folder listing can be quite hefty. There is no "hide" button in Panopto to manage this; however, I think that if we have a "Pinned Folders" button - that this can help.

I'd like to request that, within the "right click" drop-down that appears when you are viewing folders, that you can have a button to "Pin" this folder to your "Pinned Folders" list. And of course the ability to "unpin" the folder later.

I think that this kind of change will help faculty manage their frequently-used folders so that they can quickly hop in and out.

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    My faculty definitely get confused and overwhelmed searching for their current course folders. It is especially difficult when you teach one section of a large course (e.g., BIO01, CSE115) and you have creator access to all the different sections. Some faculty have gone so far as to change the parent folder for a course folder from the top level to their own My Folder so they can find it easily.

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