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Where can I find documentation on the CLI scripts?
in Moodle
I saw the update notes and some say things about cli-scripts:
- The CLI script upgrade_all_folders.php has been renamed to upgrade_all_folders_cli.php to prevent confusion with the non-cli version of this script.
- The CLI script build_category_structure.php has been renamed to build_category_structure_cli.php to prevent confusion with the non-cli version of this script.
So where can I find more information about these scripts, what do they do? Can I use them?
Hi Richard,
I just wanted to follow-up to let you know that I'm working with the team who manages our Moodle integration to get you information regarding the CLI scripts.
Thanks so much for your patience, and if you have any additional questions, feel free to ask.
Best wishes,
Hi @Richard van Iwaarden,
Thank you so much for your patience. We've created an article for this, located at: Learn About CLI Scripts for the Moodle Block.
I hope this is helpful- please let us know if you have any additional questions.
Best wishes,
Hi @Cait McCabe
Thank you for the documentation. Could you please explain in more detail what you mean with this:
'a list of all current Panopto folders on a Moodle server'
This is mentioned twice in the documentation, but it's not clear to me. We have no Panopto folder on our Moodle server (except for the one that holds the plugin, installed in blocks/panopto
I'm certain you mean something else. Do you mean a list of current Moodle courses on a Moodle server?
Hi @Richard van Iwaarden,
Thank you for this feedback! I checked with our team, and they clarified that it is all current Moodle courses provisioned to a Panopto folder on a Moodle server. I'll update the documentation, as well, to make this clear.
Best wishes,
Hi @Cait McCabe
Thanks for changing, but I would seriously look again on how this is being explained.
3.1. The upgrade_all_folders_cli.php script will get a list of all current Moodle courses provisioned to a Panopto folder on a Moodle server then it will go through each folder and reprovision them and reinitialize the imports to that folders if the user has access to the folder. This is needed for the Panopto Generation 1 to Generation 2 migration, and can also be used to bulk reprovision courses.
Shouldn't this be:
3.1. The upgrade_all_folders_cli.php script will get a list of all current Moodle courses. It will then go through each Panopto folder and reprovision them based on the user roles in the Moodle courses. This is needed for the Panopto Generation 1 to Generation 2 migration, and can also be used to bulk reprovision courses.
What should be made clear is that Moodle courses will NOT be changed. The changes will be at the Panopto side, am I correct?
One more question: 'This would start on row 5 and process 15 rows before stopping.'
What do you mean 'Row 5'? Do you mean that there will be a list of all Moodle courses, sorted by ID number, and then the script will start at row 5 on that list?
It's really not clear to me which rows we are talking about here.
Sorry if this is annoying to you, but the documentation must be clear for users. Running command-line scripts can be a dangerous action to take, no undo possible, so we really need to make clear what's happening.
Hi @Richard van Iwaarden,
I will provide this feedback to the development team on this document. Thank you for sending it my way.
Thanks @Cait McCabe ,
It's just that I want to use this on a production Moodle with over 20k of courses. If I mess up, the consequences will be huge. So I really need to be sure what the scripts are doing.
Have a great weekend,
Hi @Richard van Iwaarden,
As noted in the article's overview section, these operations are not reversible and may affect your entire Moodle and Panopto integration. As such, we suggest that you contact Panopto support first. In your case, with so many courses tied to your site, I would definitely recommend that you work with our Support team to avoid any potential issues. I'm happy to connect you to that team if you'd like - let me know and I'll submit a ticket on your behalf.
Likewise, I hope you also have a great weekend!
Yes please, let us connect so it is safe for me to run the script
Hi Richard,
I have submitted a Support ticket on your behalf. Please keep an eye out for correspondence from our Support team regarding this matter.
Best wishes,