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Call API via Javascript
in API
Hi there,
this is my first post here 😊
I have a basic question about the API. Is it possible to call it via Javascript? If yes, I have some more questions.
Out of a web-based application (login via OAuth2) we would like to control Panopto. It is running in a browser. Via API-calls I would like to do the following actions:
- Name the session and set length
- Start the record
- Extend the length of the session while it is recorded
- Stop the session (automatically when the set length is reached or manually via a stop button)
- Save the record at the personal space of the signed in user
- If possible: show instant replay
The application runs stand-alone on a local node.js-Server and can only be used by one user at the same time.
Panopto is a new thing for me. I have no idea if it's possible to develop this. Unfortunately I have no idea where to look for solutions as well.
Any help or hint is appreciated. Thank you!
This page is a great place to start on the Panopto API. The Panopto Github also has some good examples. Assuming your application can handle OAuth, it should be fine, but I am not sure that all that you wish will be possible depending on the requirements. I think most of this could be done as a mix of either the SOAP or REST api and the JS api to get a player.
Knowing the use case would be good in identifying what would work.
I am looking into a "one button studio" type setup with Panopto being the target in that case we would record in my application directly then upload the files into a session after it has been configured, that might be easier to control the end user experience and provide that instant review bit. Recording via a remote recorder isn't really intended to be used in the way you are wanting.
This github repo is their Python upload example:
Hi Michael,
thank you for the reply! It was very helpful I think. But I have serveral new questions.
To start a new record, I need to send a JSON to API (via JS). I would do it like this, am I correct?
"session_name", "starttime" and "stoptime" are declared in my code earlier. How can I get the FolderID? What is the RemoteRecorderID?
A general question about timing: How does Panopto react if the sent time is in the past? Does it start immediately or will it wait forever?
Actually our project is called "one button studio" as well. We built a HTML-Frontend, which runs on a local node.js-server. The website is reachable by only one client. Your solution for a similar project is interesting. We will think about it.
Hi Robin,
Michael did a great job answering your first questions (thank you, Michael!). Let me see if I can help with some of the other questions you have.
You can get the folder ID manually from the Panopto website for a folder if you have creator access to it by going to the folder settings, and clicking on Manage. That will display the folder's ID. You can also search for a folder using our public REST API, and that will return its ID (
To schedule a recording, you would need to have previously set up a remote recorder in your Panopto site. The RemoteRecorderID is the ID of that recorder. You can also use our public REST API to search for a remote recorder by name, to get its ID (
If you try to create or update a recording time to be in the past, if it's more than a few minutes, the API call would return an error, and the scheduled time would not be updated. If the start time is less than 5 minutes in the past, then the recording would start immediately.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi Kevin,
thank you very much. It helped a bit, I think. But I need some more support...
Folder ID: I am loggend in via OAuth2 with a specific user. How can I ask the API to give me the "main folder" of this user? I want to store the videos there.
RemoteRecorderID: Maybe I need to clean my glasses again, but I cannot find it. At the admin page I can click on settings -> RemoteRecorder and have list of my recorders with names and IPs. I can see the new one as well. But I do not see an RemoteRecorderID anywhere. Where do I find it?
General question: My webapp is running locally, so my domain is localhost/... . If I try to call the API via, I get a CORS-Error ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin'). Do you have an idea how to avoid it?
Thank you very much (again)
Hi Robin,
We do not currently have an API Endpoint on our REST API to get a user's personal folder. That is something we will be adding in the future, but does not yet exist. Our SOAP API does have an endpoint to retrieve a personal folder for a user:
The remote recorder ID isn't shown on the Panopto interface. You can search for a remote recorder by name, using the public REST API, and that will return the ID of the remote recorder.
For the CORS error you are getting, I noticed in your sample above you are calling
I understand that's an example, but can you verify that your actual URL is similar to
? It's possible that you are missing the "Panopto" in the URL after .eu. In addition, when creating the XMLHttpRequest object, please make sure that you have set thewithCredentials
property totrue
, to ensure that the access token is sent by the browser.Please let me know if you have any other questions. If you're continue to get CORS errors, you may also want to open a support ticket so we can get some additional information from you.
Hi Kevin,
your post helped a lot. Indeed I forgot the "Panopto"-part behind the domain! I added the withCredentials-boolean as well. The CORS-errors are gone but now I get an Error 404:
Did I forget something (again) or made wrong anything else?
You find my code for searching remoteRecorders attached:
Thank you and best regards
Hi Robin,
It looks like the query parameter for the search term is incorrect. The query parameter name is searchQuery, not name. Can you try the following URL instead?'GET', '', true);
Please let me know if that works for you, or if you have any other questions.
Hi Kevin,
thank you again! This error is fixed, now I get a new one: 401. It comes with a hint at the issues tab in my browser console: "Indicate whether to send a cookie in a cross-site request by specifying its SameSite attribute"
Do you know how to fix this?
Best regards
Hi Robin,
The public REST API should only be using your access token for authentication, and not a cookie. Are you adding the access token to the Authorization header of the request to search for a remote recorder? We have more information on how to use access tokens on our support article here:
Once you receive an access token through the OAuth2 workflow, you should add it to the Authorization header of each request made to the public REST API. The value of the header should be "Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>", replacing <ACCESS_TOKEN> with the access token you receive from the OAuth2 login.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions on how to authorize requests to the public API, or how to get an access token.
Hi Kevin,
another thanks to you! With the token I get no errors anymore and the API gives a response.
However, the response is
My searchQuery fits exactly on the name of my remoteRecorder. Even if I use just one or two letter, it does not find anything. Another mistake of mine?
(Notice: If I search for folders for example, I get some results)
Best regards,
Hi Robin,
I apologize, I didn't see your response to this earlier.
Have you verified that the user you are using to get a token has permission to view the remote recorders? The search endpoint will only return remote recorders that the user has access to, so if your user does not have permission to view remote recorders, then you would get an empty list for your results.
Please try verifying that your user has access to the remote recorder(s) you are searching for. If that is not the issue, please let me know and I can look further into this for you.
Hi Kevin,
no worries, your answer came just in time. I had a meeting today and your post helped a lot. At this point I have two new questions for you.
Thank you very much
Hi Robin,
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi Kevin,
thank you again. After a long break this project is going on now. We try to setup the following workflow: Every User gets a folder with the name "OBS" (name of our application). After login the application looks for a folder with the name "OBS". The return value gives us the folder ID. We take this ID and use it later as storing path. Questions:
Second task: Since our application is a JavaScript-only application, the access token expires after 60 minutes, am I right? It is impossible to get a refresh token without another login? Is there an "easy" way to change the application to make it possible to get refresh tokens?
Best regards,
Second question: I try to schedule a record via the POST-call. Panopto answers with a 404.
The code generates this JSON:
Panopto reply message:
What am I doing wrong?
Hi Robin,
I apologize for the delay in getting back to you, but I have some answers for you on the questions you asked above.
With regards to the refresh token, a JavaScript only application can not be easily modified to get refresh tokens. Refresh tokens are only issued to clients that can maintain them securely and confidentially, and those clients will need to authenticate themselves in some fashion in order to get a refresh token. If you had a server side component, that could be used to get and maintain the refresh token instead, passing just the access token back to your JavaScript application.
For your most recent question on scheduling a new remote recording, it looks like you may be missing a required query parameter in the call. In order to create a new scheduled recording, you would need to add the
parameter to the URL:Please let me know if that helps, or if you have any other questions.
Hi Kevin,
no worries about late reply.
Indeed we have a servers side component. The application is running on a local node.js server. Does it work?
Yes. I missed the query parameter of the call. Again. Thank you for finding this.
Best regards,
Hi Robin,
scope to your request for an access token. Section 1.7 of the How to Get OAuth2 Access Tokens For Users support article has more information on how to use a refresh token.Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi Kevin,
thanks for your detailed answer.
Do you think, any of those is realizable?
Thanks for the explanation 2 and 3. I will check it and ask again if something is unclear.
Hi Robin,
Yes, either of those should work. You can use the SOAP API to get the user's personal folder, and then forward that to your web application in order to use it with the REST API endpoints.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.