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At Panopto, we love how committed our customers are to making Panopto a better product - please feel free to share your feature ideas or vote on existing ideas in this category!

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"Getting Started" pack for new folders

Ideally, we would be able to modify the "This folder contains no videos." text to include either a link, or even better we would be able to add HTML below that note, similar to what can be done in the upload area.

Historically we have instructors meet with someone for a consult before they start with Panopto, but in recent years the service has picked up enough users that this is no longer feasible at scale. Beyond that, I've been told by a few instructors that they prefer to start on their own and bring someone in for support as need.

With more courses being online we have a ton of instructors reaching out about getting started with Panopto and we've had many requests for easy-to-use self-service training options. We can develop these, in fact, we already have much of that done. Now, we just need a way to place that content in context within the Panopto interface. We can add it under "Help" but many users don't see that much less go to it for help.

1 votes

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    Although the Online Documentation under Help has all the videos you need to get started.....

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