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Support for capture from Nikon DSLR

I'd like to be able to use my Nikon D5500 as a source in Panopto on macOS. This is possible in Zoom and maybe elsewhere with the help of Nikon's webcam utility (https://www.nikon.co.uk/en_GB/news-press/press.tag/news/bv-pr-wwa2009-nikon-releases-webcam-utility-software.dcr, https://downloadcenter.nikonimglib.com/en/download/sw/188.html) . In Panopto 10.0.0, the driver is visible, but does not work. Is there any prospect of this being adopted and being made to work, please?

Best Answer

  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator
    Answer ✓

    Hi Peter,

    This sounds like an issue for our Support team to investigate. To expedite this matter, and make things easier for you, I will submit a Support ticket on your behalf and make your local Panopto administrator aware. Please keep an eye out for correspondence from our team regarding this.

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!

    Best wishes,



  • Tom LynchTom Lynch Crackerjack

    The issue is that Panopto does not appear to support any Virtual Webcams other than the NewTek Virtual Input.

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