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UI/UX Improvements for a PDF in the embedded viewer

I realize uploading a PDF document that can be presented during the entirety of a Panopto video is possible. I would like to see an option to display a PDF at a designated timeline point on my videos. For example, once a viewer completes a video, a job aid is presented at the end. If there is an option to do this today, please share! If not, a timeline point field next to the PDF upload space (Streams) would be an awesome option. Or perhaps once the PDF upload is completed, a PDF document timeline position could be added to the Edit screen. Thanks!
@Ben Lucero Currently, there is not a way to have a PDF be available only in a specific part of a video. This is a great feature request though, so I'm going to move it to that section of the site, so other users can upvote it!
For a feature request, I might say that it would be helpful to be able to prompt more file types than just PDFs. First, the "Attachments" function would need to be able to support more file types, next you would need to be able to add an attachment to a Table of Contents entry. With this expansion in mind, it would be good to be able to represent a ToC line on-screen (over the video), beyond this, they should be able to have in and out marks that are more granular than just out when the next one comes up.
After promoting inserting media to Panopto videos, and realized the inconsistencies between the Embed player and the Panopto viewer. If you want to achieve the the same and complete experience as students choose to view in one or the other, I do not recommend using these features. In the Embed player, people can't see option to PDFs.
I agree @Michael Espey! The Panopto viewer is not intuitive for accessing pdfs, or options for viewing closed captions.
@Kathryn, a while back, I submitted a ticket or feature request about PDFs, Youtube video links, and webpage links. I recommended that both players display the same content, which is vital -- especially in medical/health science. Students won't know that there's information missing in the embed player. Any updates on this? Thank you!
Has anyone come up with a workaround to upload PDF files to the Table of Contents? I suggested to my client that she upload the PDF file to google drive and then share the google drive link to the Table of Contents. Of course, the google drive link does not display the file in the presentation as other links.
@Larry Evans, if you are able to host the PDF in a website folder, you could use the Plus button - Add a webpage button in the Editor timeline. As an example, this PDF works:
However, the Add a webpage functionality doesn't seem futureproof and is losing effectiveness as more sites restrict the embedding of their content into iFrames. A 'work around' is to paste the link into the TOC but that will open it in a new browser tab.
Personally, I'm not a huge fan of mixing content types within video delivery but @Michael Espey and @Elba Rios, you may have noticed the new multi-stream functionality of the updated Embedded player? Although we have raised some concerns about its usability with regards to PDF attachments.
@Paul Douglas , I have not been back to testing whether the Panopto embeds and viewer are more consistent, but thanks for the reminder. I’m hoping there are some updates on this, with the new Panopto release. I’m looking forward to an advanced Panopto webinar for a tour of the new updates. There’s another conversation on status of feature request updates. It would be nice to know what the status is on making the embeds and viewer players more equal.
How to start/view an embedded video once a PDF is added is not intuitive. The PDF starts as a paused poster frame and play button doesn't work until you realize the first frame is a PDF that needs to be closed before the video can play. The "close" button is hidden in the top-right corner. Not a good user experience.
Below is an example of an embedded video in Canvas LMS. This is the first frame that freezes after you click play on the poster frame. You need to "close" the PDF to be able to proceed and see the video.
PS Add Swap stream icon when PDF is added to primary video. In Panopto you see both PDF and video (as two streams), but PDF is always in the larger window. You can not swap video and PDF to view video as the larger stream.