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Use manifest to set owner and viedographer details.
in API
I am doing a batch migration of video files from a 3rd party service provider and need information on how to ammend the manifext.xml file doctree to force update of Owner and videographer fields to match owner account in our instance. i.e. [email protected] account id instead of my API auth user.
python example building the etree for the manifest file for the upload session:
elt = etree.Element('Owner') elt.text = '[email protected]' root.append(elt) elt = etree.Element('Videographer') elt.text = '[email protected]' root.append(elt) elt = etree.Element('Date') # elt.text ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000-00:00') elt.text = '2016-03-23T19:58:25+00:00' root.append(elt)
upload is working just fine but need to attribute the file and created date to the actual user and time not my auth user or current time.
Hi Tim,
Are you using our UCS specification to create the manifest? If so, have you tried setting the "Creator" value to have the information for the user you would like to assign as the Owner and Videographer?