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Pop ups
in Moodle
As a result of the recent updates, the single-sign-on integration within Panopto and Moodle is better. However, a pop-up appears briefly which is confusing some users.
If pop-ups are not blocked, it appears as soon as the Moodle page with the embedded video is opened.
If pop-ups are not blocked, then it appears briefly after the user clicks on the embedded video to sign in.
Additionally, we've had some browsers freezing after opening a Moodle page with multiple embedded videos.
Just wondering if these issues have already been flagged and if there may be a solution to stop this pop-up displaying? Thanks.
@Tom Brunsdon Here is an article that provides more information on this issue. There is a site setting, shown in the linked article, that can be changed that will stop this pop-up, which is caused by authentication via token instead of a cookie. However, changing it will prevent users who have third party cookies blocked by their browser from authenticating to watch embedded video. We added this new option for authentication to address the change that browsers are making to block third-party cookies - Safari and Firefox, for instance, block these by default.
While the pop-up is expected behavior, the browser freezing is not. If you'd like, I can open a Support ticket for this for you if you have an example Moodle page where this seems to be happening consistently in certain browsers.