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Content Retention: Add a feature to override site rule, at folder level

Elba RiosElba Rios Whiz Kid
edited May 2022 in Feature Requests

In addition to course content, at our institution we stores historical videos, or video clips shared by multiple people. They may or may not be accessed within the time frame of a content retention rule.

Feature request: Once there's a content retention rule at the site level, please provide the option to override a rule at the folder level.

2 votes

Archived · Last Updated


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    KathrynKathryn Administrator

    Hi Elba, this is already possible. You can set a retention policy specific to a single folder or video. The instructions on how that can be changed are here. Hope this helps!

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    You can currently set the content retention status both at the folder and even at the individual video level, you just need to set up a policy that matches what you intend to have in place in order to select it. https://support.panopto.com/s/article/How-to-Use-Retention-Tools#hTargetInstance6

    We have our site configured to delete after 4 years of inactivity, then we have some folders configured to retain content indefinitely, we also have a set of folders that archive things after a short time (I believe 6 months) then retain content there for 5 years before deleting.

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    Elba RiosElba Rios Whiz Kid

    @Kathryn and @Michael Espey --- Ah, that's great. Thanks for sharing the link. Thank you.

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