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At Panopto, we love how committed our customers are to making Panopto a better product - please feel free to share your feature ideas or vote on existing ideas in this category!

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Once your idea is submitted, it will be marked as 'Tracked' when added to our internal feature requests system.

Closed Captions Analytics

Hi, we wish to be able to show how our videos are helping students from a universal design for learning perspective and in order to back this up we need any evidence of students using technology which supports their learning. If there was a way to show i.e. "20% of students watched this video with cc" - this would greatly help our use case and other business cases on campus.

4 votes

Tracking · Last Updated


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    I believe this should be something that can be collected through Google Analytics using player events. I do something similar with VSP rates to track which options are used most in the players.

    With that said, as Panopto implements new features in analytics, it would be great to see more native tracking for this sort of information.

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    I don't know one institution that wouldn't benefit from this ability. Especially in countries where there is legislation around this.

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