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Is it possible to create / update / remove users over the REST API
in API
We want to do user management of our Panopto instance and were looking at the API docs. We could not find any info on if it is possible to create / update / remove users over the REST API. If it is not is that coming at some point or do we need to use the SOAP api?
Hi Mats,
At this time we do not have a REST API endpoint to create a user. You are correct that you would need to use the SOAP API for this. Two methods in the UserManagement API exist for this, CreateUser and CreateUsers.
Here are some links to documentation for both requests.
Ok, thanks for confirming. Any idea will user management ever move over to the REST API?
We do plan to migrate more functionality from the User Management API to the REST API, but I can not give a timeline on when this will happen.