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Panopto Capture: Add option to mirror video

There are some scenarios where it would be nice to have the option to mirror a video source coming into Panopto Capture. It would also be great in the desktop app but it seems like this would be some low-hanging fruit in Capture.
I would second this feature request. Particularly with Panopto Capture. But even if we could have a specifically Mirrored folder that flipped it as part of the processing part, that would be brilliant. We want to use Panopto and ideally avoid third party or editing software.
we are planning to record videos with a lightboard. We need to flip the video, and it would be great to not have to export it out of Panopto just to do that.
Agree it would be nice to be able to mirror in Capture and maybe even the desktop recorder if using a lightboard.
When I was testing with a lightboard a few months ago, I recorded to OBS (Open Broadcaster Studio). There was a feature in there to mirror the video as it's being recorded, and then I would upload that recording to Panopto. It was a few extra steps but it worked. I did not try to take the OBS camera feed flipped directly into Panopto and record it there so that might be something to try as well.
There are hardware devices which can take an HDMI signal and mirror it it real time. May be easier to do that, then pipe that signal into a PC and then up to Panopto.