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API REST - Download Video
in API
I am using REST APIs to retrieve all the videos through the API /api/v1/sessions/{id} it also returns me the different URLs to download the videos.
However, if I use the CaptionDownloadUrl URL, I must authenticate.
How is it possible to retrieve videos using REST APIs ?
Thanks a lot in advance
Hi Laureline,
Thanks for contacting us.
I am sorry but I am not sure that I understand a question.
Do you need to retrieve videos using REST API or to download video file?
To retrieve video metadata you can use endpoint /api/v1/sessions/{id} as you already mentioned and then you can use download url to download your video file. For both operations you need to be authenticated.
Please let us know if you have additional questions.
I recently figured out how to download restricted video's, using curl in PHP. With the /api/v1/sessions/{id} you can retrieve the Download url. With a GET request you can download the file via this url. However, you need to add an authenticated cookie to this GET request via CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE. To retrieve this cookie, you must first make a call to /api/v1/auth/legacylogin and store the cookie via CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR.