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Automatic e-mail sent to viewers in folder when webcast starts/recording becomes available

We are currently looking into how to minimize accidental automatic recordings taking place in lecture rooms without students present being aware of it. Through this process we thought that it would be a good idea to make an automatic e-mail that would be sent out to all the students and lectures of the course that a recording is taking place. Unfortunatly it seems like Panopto does not have this feature, which is why I am creating this feature request.

The closest feature I've come across would be the "Remote Recorder - Notifications - Mailing List Notification Recipients". This feature does not work for us, as we would have to manually enter a list instead of getting the dynamic function of sending it to the students in the course I'm looking for.

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    Folders do have a setting which allows you to send an email to anyone who has Viewer rights to the folder (This may actually be "at least" viewer rights so it may include anyone with creator rights).

    If the session is not being webcast, this might only notify them when the recording has finished processing as opposed to when it starts recording.

    If it is being webcast while recording, I would think it would notify users as the session technically becomes "available" at that time.

    Do you have any sort of visual indicators in the room like "Recording In Progress" lights? Delcom makes one which works well with Panopto's Remote Recorder.

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    Thank you so much for letting me know about this option. I will see if I can get a test environment and experiment a bit with this setting to see how it works.

    We are working on getting visual indicators from Delcom. I'm happy to hear that they work well.

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    Mackenzie BusbyMackenzie Busby Administrator

    Hello @Håkon Sætre Strøm,

    As Chaz has pointed out, there is a setting that should achieve what you are looking for. I will go ahead and mark this request as completed. Please feel free to reply to this thread if you have any follow-up questions.

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