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Support Canvas "Homework Submission" LTI 1.3 placement

It would be much better if we were able to have students submit media using the native Canvas selector that is intended for this sort of thing. Since the launch can only happy if an assignment is configured to accept submissions in this way, when the first launch happens, an assignment folder should be created for that assignment and all student submissions (selected, uploaded, or recorded) should be funneled to this new location without the option to select another target folder.

This combination would remove the guesswork (in many cases)/setup that currently needs to happen for both instructors and students and would provide students with a much more consistent experience across classes when submitting materials through Panopto in Canvas.

5 votes

In Progress · Last Updated


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    When Panopto Capture first rolled out I suggested one great use case would be for creating assignments.

    The instructor creates an assignment in Panopto and specifies the destination, whether they want to allow multiple attempts, minimum and maximum length, etc.

    Then they could get a link which could be shared with their students either within the LMS or externally.

    When student click on the link, they only need to grant access to the camera/mic/screen, hit record (and/or retry), and submit.

    Their name, attempt number, and assignment name would be pre-filled in the title. Since the destination folder was already configured and unchangeable, there was nothing else they needed to do.

    Capture could be a great tool for student submissions if they just finished developing it.

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    This suggestion would remove the errors that we often see when students upload video content to the wrong Panopto folder as part of a Canvas assignment. This would be a great improvement on the current system.

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    This would help us on Brightspace/D2L as well.

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    edited April 11

    The Canvas Assignment Tool workflow for submitting a Panopto video should be smoother. When an instructor creates their first Panopto (give me a video) type Assignment, that action should create the Assignment Folder in the course if it does not already exist. Additionally all students who submit videos to this assignment should never have to search for where to save their video submissions. It should be saved into the assignment folder where the teachers can view it, but other students cannot automatically view it.  If every time a student in Canvas submitted a WORD or PDF file assignment, they had to also use pulldown menus and find a specific folder to save it to, it would be a support nightmare. A Panopto Video submission Assignment in Canvas should work as seamlessly as a Canvas File submission Assignment.

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