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Display the date recorded for each session

Original Post
Dan Taylor, 5/2/2018 at 4:41 AM
Currently when listing recordings, the session shows something like "Recorded 1 month ago". To make it easier to sift through recordings, could each session please display the date recorded?
YES! Please
Yes, please do this.
Yes, please.
It would be terrific if creators could choose to display the date or not on a per folder basis.
This is also an issue with Canvas and Sakai. Very frustrating.
We would like to be able to insert multiple Panopto video links at once into course content/module folders.
Only being able to insert one link at a time, per one folder/module, per course is incredibly inconvenient and time-consuming; especially since we must redo many links within entire courses and sections after the 1.3 update.
Maybe this was just an oversight, but when you are in List View, you can sort by Date, but there is no Date shown in that view. Only the Thumbnail and the Name and Duration is shown. Please also show the Date so that when you Sort by that method, you can see what the Dates are.
Also do the same for Grid view. I just noticed it's not there, either, but I never use that view myself. You can Sort by Date in that view as well.