Notification of an issue affecting Panopto for Windows

Hello - We want to let you know about an issue affecting the Panopto for Windows recorder that is causing some users to be intermittently signed out and preventing automatic upload.
What is the issue?
We have received reports that some Panopto for Windows users are being intermittently signed out while recording. As a result, the recording is stored as an offline recording and requires the user to sign back in for the upload to be successful.
How do I tell if this affects me?
Panopto for Windows users will see recordings on the Manage Recordings tab under “Offline Recordings” after completion.
How do I mitigate the issue?
We recommend that any affected user log out of the Panopto for Windows recorder, close the program, reopen it, and then log back in with the Panopto for Windows recorder. This should reestablish the connection needed for upload. More information on how to upload offline recordings can be found here.
We will update this post as soon as we have any updates.
Best Answers
Andy Hacha Panopto Employee
This fix has now been applied to all cloud sites. Please get in touch with Panopto support if you continue to see this issue.
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Josha Chande Panopto Employee
UPDATE: A clarification to the previous post. A server-side update was implemented to address the Panopto for Windows upload problem, preventing it from occurring in the future. However, any current recorders still exhibiting this behavior may need to follow the steps below in order to resolve it and enable successful login attempts going forward. We apologize for any confusion in the previous post and encourage you to reach out to the support team if you still need assistance with this issue.
Sign out of Panopto for Windows
Clear the cache and cookies for the machine's default browser.
If performing this on managed machines on behalf of an institution you can remove every user's user.config file in the AppData location to force users to re-authenticate. This is located here:
Our engineering team has identified the issue and is targeting the fix for the end of the week. We will update this post as soon as the fix has been applied.