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Canvas LTI 1.3 Bugs

I have actually submitted this to support last fall when we discovered problems after upgrading to 1.3. No updates from support so posting here for more attention. Two big issues:

  1. Cannot disable the grade by % viewed option. We did not want to enable this feature because of the 3-hour delay of grade syncing. There's an option for support which says "allow grade by % viewed", so left this unchecked. However, it turned out that disabling this option also stopped the grad sync for quiz grades. Support acknowledged this was a bug but provided no solution or eta. We had no choice but enabling the % option so our quizzes can be synced.
  2. Assignment title overwritten. With 1.3 in Canvas, after you choose a video to embed as an assignment, the title of the assignment would be overwritten by the video title, and you'd have to manually change it back to the actual title you want.

LMS integration is crucial so we hope the tech team can treat these issues with a higher priority.



  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator

    Hi @Jing Zou (Admin)

    It sounds like this is still an issue for our Support team to investigate. To have this team take another look, expedite this matter, and make things easier for you, I will submit a Support ticket on your behalf. Please keep an eye out for correspondence regarding this.

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!

    Best wishes,

    Cait McCabe

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