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Logos and promotional assets

in General Q&A
Hello folks,
Is there a readily accessible bank of logos and other Panopto branded assets we can use in promotional material to our users, and in home grown documentation?
Flyers? Infographics?
- would need to have an appropriate license of course.
Stuart Robinson
I did a quick search and found this page:
At the bottom is a Notes section:
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11. Notes
11.1. The default branding for your Panopto site includes Panopto's logo. If you choose to continue using Panopto's logo in your branding, please keep in mind the following guidelines from Panopto's Brand Style Guide:
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But that Brand Style Guide link is broken. So someone at Panopto needs to fix that.
From what I remember back when we did some branding work back in ~2019, they want you to get the assets from their marketing team. They were definitely willing to provide them, but there wasn't anything posted publicly. It seems like from Jeffrey's post above that there had been some at some point (maybe) but those have since broken.
Hi @Stuart Robinson,
A member of our Marketing team will reach out to you directly to assist you with this request.
Additionally, the link in the article will be updated. Thank you @Admin Jeffrey Ries for pointing this out 😀
Best wishes,
Thankyou folks!