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Inconsistencies in PercentCompleted and Missing LastViewedDateTime in Session APIs


I understand that there are two APIs available to check a session’s PercentCompleted:

  1. GET /api/v1/sessions/{id}/viewers
  2. GET /api/v1/users/{id}/sessions/viewed

The first API, /api/v1/sessions/{id}/viewers, provides "LastViewedDateTime": "2025-03-24T04:33:58.541Z".
However, the second one, /api/v1/users/{id}/sessions/viewed, only provides the StartTime and does not return the LastViewedDateTime.

We would like to request that LastViewedDateTime be added to the /api/v1/users/{id}/sessions/viewed endpoint.
Is it possible to support this in a future update?

Additionally, there is a data consistency issue:

  • In /api/v1/sessions/{id}/viewers, PercentCompleted is a float
  • In /api/v1/users/{id}/sessions/viewed, PercentCompleted is an integer

This inconsistency makes development quite difficult.

Currently, to retrieve a student's PercentCompleted, we are forced to call /api/v1/sessions/{id}/viewers each time, which could potentially cause a significant performance load.

It would be very helpful if there were a more efficient and consistent way to retrieve PercentCompleted.

Thank you!


  • Hello Kiwon,

    1. For now, you may treat the double and the int as a value between 0-100 as a percent value of the session viewed. We will work on the inconsistency issue. I believe the int value is more accurate.
    2. You may request the new API as a Feature Request here and we will look into it: https://community.panopto.com/post/idea

    Thanks and regards,


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