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Configure mobile screen as secondary video source (iphone/ipad/android)

edited May 2021 in Feature Requests

Hello, currently many lectures are taken from home using iPad device as a whiteboard. In the panopto web recorder there's no option to configure the iPad as a monitor, and the only option I found is to screen record in iPad, and upload it to Panopto manually, meaning it's not possible to webcast and watch the teacher simultaneously. It could really help us if it the feature will be added.

Thank you very much.

31 votes

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  • +1

    I can use QuickTime Player on my Mac to record my iPad's screen. It would be incredibly helpful if I could select it as a source in Panopto.

  • KathrynKathryn Administrator


    You are able to add an ipad as a secondary source using a feature called "distributed recording"

    What you would do is start the recording from your computer. Then go to the ipad, and under record, select to "join a session" instead of starting a new recording.

    Then, join in to the recording you've already started. The ipad will be joined as a secondary source to your recording.

    Check out this webinar we did a while back on distributed recording for more info: https://corp.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=06a2698e-d16a-4d4e-9c3c-aa1d00f7e704


  • Thanks. Unfortunately my understanding is that only allows you to use the camera and mic on the iPad, not capture the screen.

    That's what faculty want: A way to record their iPad so they can use it as a whiteboard.

  • KathrynKathryn Administrator

    Ah, yes, that makes sense. You are right, it would just record the camera and mic.

    I do use a workaround for recording the screen into Panopto videos when making tutorials. It isn't the smoothest, but you can use a Lightning to HDMI adapter and connect that to Magewell Capture device.

  • Sooooo not practical for some of these nice users...

  • edited April 2020

    Exactly, most teachers want to use their's iPad as a whiteboard, meaning they want to capture the screen. It's very convenient for teaching from home. So a feature which we could select iPad as a video source would be extremely helpful. Currently, our teachers record their session with zoom which has this as integration (see https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201379235-iOS-Screen-Sharing-with-the-Zoom-Desktop-Client ).

    Thank you very much.

  • This is exactly what I want to do. When I teach in person, I show PowerPoint slides and also write on the board. In Panopto, I would like to write on my iPad screen while showing the PowerPoint slides. That capability would be great.

    You indicated that there is a way to make it work now using a Magewell Capture device. Can you provide details? Thanks.

  • Providing a bump to this thread. I would very much like to see this exact type of functionality added. While the Magewell Capture device would certainly work, I'd like to avoid having to purchase another device to make this possible.

  • One thing I have been looking at as of late is using a device like the Wacom one (https://estore.wacom.com/en-US/screens/screens-displays/wacom-one-dtc133w0a.html). It is a (somewhat) affordable device that would be perfect for this sort of use case.

    Something similar that may be possible is to use the iPad as a sidecar device (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT210380). I am not sure if this is something that would be able to be captured by Panopto, but it seems like it just shows up as another display, so it should. I don't have my test MBP at home with me and my MBA is too old :(

    I have been poking at an app called "WiredXDisplay" by Splashtop: https://www.splashtop.com/wiredxdisplay

    It seems to do what is being asked for. It seems a bit too buggy, but when it is working it works like I would expect. I wouldn't recommend an instructor install it an use it to record lectures quite yet, but it is an interesting concept.

    Hopefully that helps someone.

    Thank you,


  • Wait, is this really right? You can't use the display of the iPad as a second display, allowing you to annotate PDFs with the stylus, etc.? Is there any chance this capability is coming sometime soon? I can't quite conceive of how I'll be able to take effective videos without being able to walk through certain annotations on the iPad screen.



  • I got it to work using an app called ApowerMirror, which mirrors the iPad screen on the monitor. That app is inexpensive and there are other similar products. There were only occasional hiccups. I switched back and forth between PowerPoint and ApowerMirror, and it was pretty smooth.

  • Thanks, Benjamin. I'll look into it. Does anyone know if this is something Panopto is looking into doing, so that it doesn't require another app to facilitate? The layers of technology are getting a bit daunting (ApowerMirror on top of Panopto on top of Canvas with Powerpoint just to give a video lecture).

  • Bumping to see if there's any update on this. This would be a killer feature, especially if faculty are recording asynchronous content from home during the pandemic.

  • I just invested over $400 in an iPad only to find out panopto doesn't have this feature. Please can you include this feature? Thank you!

  • So there have been no developments here? Still no easy workaround to incorporate the iPad as a separate video source?


    Writing on my iPad screen is so integral to my teaching that I don't see how I could use Panopto...I think I'm back to using Zoom to record the lecture and forgoing integration of the excellent Panopto features....Too bad.

  • If you can get some mirroring software on your PC and iOS device, you can do it. I got a free version of ApowerMirror and while there was a couple hiccups and no full screen option (maybe not available for free user?) it did the job fairly well.

    But Panopto, this feature needs to happen. Too many people using wireless devices for this not to be on the roadmap soon.

  • Any update on this? The lack of this feature is also making me have to stick with Zoom for pre-recorded content for the time being.

  • We are looking to record screens from mobile devices for training purposes. We need Panopto recorder for mobile phones to have this functionality.


  • Until now We have used the build-in screen recorder in Ios on Ipad and on Android tablets. But a build-in screen recorder in Panopto would be great

  • I really like this idea and can instantly see a use case at my organization.

  • Yes, please. In fact, I would like to use the iPad screen as the primary video source and the PC's camera as the secondary one.

  • Yes, please. Many of our faculty use ipads. Having Panopto identify the ipad as a source--either when physically connecting the ipad (or using airplay) would be a GREAT feature to add.

  • While this isn't native as part of Panopto I found a really easy work around today using Airstream which you can use to effectively airplay your ipad to your mac or windows machine. I've run a few tests from my ipad to my mac and it seems to work fairly well with the panopto recording. Agreed however that this is an important feature to add natively to panopto!

  • +50

    This is a common and important use our faculty needs. Currently, the work-around is to record their Zoom presentation to the Cloud (which for us is Panopto). This works, but a service like Panopto--that allows multiple sources--needs to allow an ipad to connect. Please update us as soon as you can about when this feature will be added to Panopto. Thanks! dann

  • We have had many requests for this feature over the last year. Capturing annotation on a tablet or ipad for mathematical or diagram based work during a presentation is important whist also capturing webcam and possibly power point / screen capture on PC. The best workflow for Teachers in to record in Zoom where screen mirroring from ipad is built in and easy and then transfer to Panopto.

    Keeping the workflow in Panopto would be far preferable.

  • I just wanted to bump this topic as we've received a few more requests for the functionality at the start of Spring 2023.

  • What's the rush? It's only been... almost 3 years...

    Now we use Zoom for this. Of course since it's now so expensive to import recordings which aren't ever watched, that may soon no longer be viable.

  • And now that another 16 months have gone by I'll bump this issue again. I just received another request for this functionality. Clearly Panopto is not interested in mobile screen capture.

    Zoom is our go to for recording an iPad. ApowerMirror works, but it hasn't been vetted by our software review committee so I'll suggest it with caveats.

  • Repeat of my comment from 2020: "Yes, please. Many of our faculty use ipads. Having Panopto identify the ipad as a source--either when physically connecting the ipad (or using airplay) would be a GREAT feature to add."

  • edited February 5

    [email protected]

    Any news on this? Looks like lots of users are requesting it . . . for years.


    Here's how Zoom lets you do it . . .

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