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NDI as a video source

With the world of AV evolving, it would be very nice to see Panopto utilize NDI to capture a video source on the network. This will greatly enhance the flexibility of the software, allowing users to tap in to cameras and sources that are NDI enabled and on the network to record sessions remotely. This would take remote capabilities to the next level

7 votes

Archived · Last Updated


  • I agree that using the NDI Virtual Input will be one way to achieve the results. However, it would be best for this to work native within the Panopto application to reduce CPU strain and the need to have so many high CPU programs open at one time. I am proposing this as the best case scenario, especially for using corporate issued laptops that have less processing power and huge security stacks.

  • We ran into issues using the Virtual Camera plugin with Panopto (and Zoom/Teams) we had a few recordings fail and the reason we landed on was that the feed coming out of OBS was not clean; the video and audio dropped out for a few frames/samples from time to time. We never landed on a fix for it, but we strongly recommend against it on my team.

    Panopto's documentation on the matter specifically calls out OBS Virtual Camera as being "Not Recommended" (https://support.panopto.com/s/article/Officially-Endorsed-Panopto-Equipment#hTargetInstance6).

    It could work fine for you, but I won't recommend it on our campus again. Even if OBS fixes whatever went wrong you won't find me using it...I can't trust it. For things like this, it takes one high impact recording to be lost/delayed for it to be a big problem.

    We are still dipping toes into NDI so this specifically isn't too big of an issue for us yet, but I would love to see a native solution to support it (even if it is a companion app or something like that) in the long term.

    Hopefully this helps but let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Michael

    Thanks for the feedback - TBH we've not actually had cause to try this ourselves, the main issue being a completely different one, namely that NDI isn't an encrypted protocol and so our network peeps aren't letting us use it on the main campus network for fear of nefarious virtual wiretapping.

    I imagine in time the snags will get resolved and as with many things NDI and virtual cam for OBS are volunteer best efforts and are dependent on community feedback to help support their aims so whilst it's a shame it didn't work for you I hope you fed back your findings to the devs..

  • Hello greetings, I use NDI in panopto, with the NDI tools that you can download here: https://ndi.tv/tools/ the virtual NDI imput is great and recognizes any network audio or video source through NDI, only in the panopto selected the main NDI camera and voila

  • @JOSE FANEITE What kind of computer and specs are you running?

  • Hello greetings, I use NDI in panopto, with the NDI tools that you can download here: https://ndi.tv/tools/ the virtual NDI imput is great and recognizes any network audio or video source through NDI, only in the panopto selected the main NDI camera and voila

  • @Kamron Patterson I am using an> Asus Motherboard, with i7 processor, Nvidia RTX 2060 video card, 250GB m2 disk, 2Tb hard disk, 16Gb of Ram and LG dual monitor of 27 inches each

  • Tom LynchTom Lynch Crackerjack

    We've just bought Panopto at my work and we're starting to explore it, I am really frustrated to discover that there is no real NDI support in Panopto in spite of what the website might lead you to believe.

    Proper NDI support is an URGENT and ESSENTIAL requirement for us in lecture spaces where we want to use existing NDI equiptment to provide multiple NDI sources as the camera and screen(s).

    I really don't know what we're going to be able to do without this feature, the NDI Virtual Cam has already in 1 hour of testing had issues in Remote Recorder.

  • @Tom Lynch Hello Tom, in my company we always use the panopto with NDI, applying New Tek's NDI Tools, and I have never had problems, I encourage you to try them, you can download them here: https://ndi.tv/tools/

  • Tom LynchTom Lynch Crackerjack

    @JOSE FANEITE I think the issue is that I've completely not understood how limited Panopto actually is, I was expecting to be able to use the Remote Recorder to tuck a headless NUC in the corner of a room with a Busy Light on it and remotely schedule recordings in the room.

    That those recordings would come from up to three NDI sources:

    1x NDI HDMI Capture box capturing the screen/slides

    1x NDI PTZ Camera

    1x NDI HDMI conversion of a microscope/inspection camera/document camera

    I am familiar with NDI Tools and the NewTek NDI Virtual Input, which is why I am posting here, I've used it a lot with live streaming of bespoke events, but I had not realised Panopto uses this, otherwise I'd have immediately known that you can only use one instance of Virtual Input and that Remote Recorder therefore doesn't really support the workflow I was hoping for.

    It seems to me that the only way to achieve what I am describing is by installing SDI or HDMI based products and using the Matrox or Epiphan remote recorders which are really expensive.

  • @Tom Lynch All of the points you just made are exactly why I added this as a feature request! Hopefully we will see Panopto working on this to expand its capabilities!

  • Tom LynchTom Lynch Crackerjack

    I've been speaking people within my University and apparently their Panopto people are aware of this and are planning something, but I've not heard more detail than that.

    Fundamentally I want to use Panopto RR like Galicaster would be, not like Panopto Recorder but with some scheduling features.

  • Tom LynchTom Lynch Crackerjack

    Why has this been archived?

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