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Can I integrate Zoom with Panopto with a PRO account?
in Zoom
Can I integrate Zoom with Panopto with a PRO account?
I want to be able to have my Zoom meetings automatically uploaded into my Panopto account. Can I do this (at no added cost) if I have a Panopto Pro account?
Are there any limitations? I'm just looking for specifics and details regarding this such as how many times can recordings be played, how many can be stored, etc.?
Hi Gary,
The Zoom integration is not available for Panopto Pro users. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Best wishes,
Thanks. So what would I need to do, what would it cost, to be able to use the Zoom integration with Panopto?
@Gary Gordon you would need to bump up to Panopto Enterprise, and the cost would depend on the size of your install (
I have a one person company. How can I use Panopto Enterprise with just one user account? What would this cost? I don't see any enterprise pricing information.
Hi Gary,
At this time, Panopto Enterprise is intended for accounts with over 100 users and, unfortunately, the Zoom integration isn't available for individual users on Basic or Pro.
Best wishes,
Ok. Thanks.