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Service Update 2025-02-06
Service Update 2025-02-06
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Feb 6th for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on Feb 7th for the Asia-Pacific, Australia, and Japan clouds.
Core Product Updates
- Added support for Hindi as a content language, including automatic captions powered by Automatic Speech Recognition, search, Optical Character Recognition, Smart Chapters, and Custom Dictionary. To enable Hindi support for new content, select Hindi as the Content Language in folder settings, or contact Support to set Hindi as the default language site-wide. Our support article for using multiple languages for captions can be reviewed here.
- Added new public REST API endpoints to get a list of folders a user has Creator access to.
- Added a new public REST API endpoint to allow Admins to get a list of caption providers.
- Added new public REST API calls to allow Admins to identify and specify caption providers for specific folders.
- Added new REST API endpoints to allow users to download the .zip SCORM manifest files for sessions.
- Added 'Resume' and 'Edit' options to the ‘More actions’ menu (three dots icon) on video thumbnails in the video library to make it easier to resume a video or access the editor.
- Added a 'Rename' option to the ‘More actions’ menu (three dots icon) on video thumbnails in the video library, which opens a new window to make it easier to update the title.
- Added the ability to copy videos from the ‘More actions’ menu (three dots icon) on video thumbnails in the video library.
- Fixed the character set specified in system-generated emails to align with its content.
- Fixed an issue that could cause batch provisioning to fail for LMS identity providers when the LMS has 10,000+ existing courses.
- Fixed an issue that would allow bulk actions to be taken on Archive/Recycle Bin videos that are in the process of being restored.
- Added the ability for Creators to batch restore on the Recycle Bin page.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent users from being able to drag and drop videos into subfolders within LTI-embedded folders.
Elai Updates
Added an SSO and video export integration with Elai. Once enabled, customers can sign in to Elai directly with their Panopto account, create AI text-to-speech videos, and export them to Panopto. Learn more about Elai here. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on how to add Elai to your Panopto license.
Access AI Updates
- Added logic for Access AI to automatically reprocess AI-generated captions when trims that are two seconds or longer are added to videos from the editor.
- Fixed an issue with Access AI where AI key points/summaries would not be added if the session was edited before Access AI finished processing.
- Fixed an issue that could cause auto language detection to fail for sessions recorded with Panopto for Windows.
Connect Updates
- Added Legacy report “System Report - System Session Storage” to Knowledge Insights
- Fixed an issue in Panopto Connect where users could view the settings page of a Portal, but could not make changes to it.
- Fixed an issue in Panopto Connect where Portal Managers may not have the correct access to manage portals.
- Added help text to the bottom of the 'Add Portal Manager' page within Panopto Connect.
Version 15.7.0.
Re: How do I import a Zoom Cloud Recording using the Panopto APIs?
Hi Adis,
Yes, it looks like I did create the Feature Request in November 2021:
So we can mark this thread as answered and direct everyone to the Feature Request #1428 so we can hopefully have more granular, API control over which Zoom videos are automatically imported into Panopto.
Re: Automating user provisioning through the API’s
Hi Taylor,
If your users are logging in with an IdP/SSO, their accounts might not be local accounts, but provided by a named Identity Provider. To this day, SOAP appears to be the only way to pre-populate accounts, so the CreateUser and SyncExternalUser API methods are what we have done in our environment. Here's the SyncExternalUser API method documentation:
Re: SOAP API generating faults in PHP
Did you ever get any update on this? Is it still happening?
Re: Configure mobile screen as secondary video source (iphone/ipad/android)
I can use QuickTime Player on my Mac to record my iPad's screen. It would be incredibly helpful if I could select it as a source in Panopto.
Re: Equation editor in quizzes / LaTeX Support for Quizzing
Bumping this for 2025, looking to add LaTex into our IVQ for an engineering school.
Re: Auto Cross-post videos to 2 (or more?) different Folders.
It sounds to me like a perfect use case for the "Hide" action in retention policies. This will effectively unpublish/hide content from Viewers in a folder, and should cover the need to remove access after 14 days as well as give the faculty an easy way to share things again if/when they need.
You could also do something like hide the content after X days, Archive after 1 year (or whatever time period works), then delete from archive after some period. I don't use the "Hide" function here, but I looked at it and it does provide some good functionality.
I totally understand that some faculty want to store their content in their My Folder (or elsewhere), we have a few here that do that as well, but we make it clear to them that they will need to be the ones that manage the overhead when that is the case. The way I explain it is usually something like "we can automate some of these things if the content is stored in the right place. If you want to store it elsewhere, that is totally fine, but then you would need to do the work that the platform would otherwise do."
Re: Auto Cross-post videos to 2 (or more?) different Folders.
Hello, The IT department schedules recordings in Panopto for the entire semester. Some faculty want their recordings to save to a private folder in Panopto and others want them to save to a Panopto folder that displays in their Canvas course page. Retention policies varies from delete after 14 days to make available throughout the semester.
Several faculty have asked if there is a way to save the scheduled course recordings to both folders so they can set a 14 day retention policy on recordings that are available in Canvas and a longer retention policy on those that save in their Panopto folder. Right now the only way to do this is to manually copy each recording in the personal Panopto folder to the Canvas folder once it is completed. This task ends up going to the IT department and it is very time-consuming.
This may be a niche request but I would like to have a way to set recordings to save to two folders when they are scheduled at the beginning of the semester. That or some other way to automate this process would be amazing.
Thank you - Teresa Coberly - Assistant Director, Law School IT Department - University of Colorado, Boulder
Re: Equation editor in quizzes / LaTeX Support for Quizzing
This feature is vital for our Math and Programming courses. The students keep thinking that it's a Panopto glitch without realizing it's actually just limited functionality.
Re: How can I upload my offline video?
The issue has somehow magically been resolved just now. 🤔